
Cell Phones

I do this thing, where, in anticipation for something I really want, I stare at it online for hours. I re-read the item description, re-watch all the videos and basically waste a whole lot of my time.

Speaking of which, two weeks ago, Rashad over at the AT&T store sold me a crystalline jewel of technological genius!; a delicious gumdrop of inter-human expression!;…an iPhone 4S! And I’m still waiting for it to come.

Oh Rashad, I sort of hate you right now. I know it’s not your fault that I’m waiting, and waiting, and (you guessed it) waiting some more. It’s probably just a supply issue. But, I’m going to make it your fault, Rashad. Because, I could never be angry with Apple.

These past two weeks have been rough. I’ve been visiting Apple’s website a lot, you know, just to look at one. I went to the Apple store, you know, just to touch one. I wanted to be surrounded by the luminescent glow of Apple products. I wanted to smell that new Apple smell. I wanted to be surrounded by consumers who, you know, understood me.

But, my biggest problem is the insane amount of time I’ve spent browsing iPhone apps. At first I justified this obsessive behavior by telling myself that I was saving time, or, potentially money, by being proactive. But, now it’s just a problem. Now, it’s a daily ritual. I’m perpetually searching, searching, searching for iPhone apps that will save me time and improve my quality of life. But… it’s like…taking up a lot of time.

And the worst part is, I can’t even use these apps until my phone comes, which, thanks to Rashad, will probably be never. Goddamn Rashad.