I’m me, silly.

Anissa (A-knee-sah), that is. I spelled my name phonetically because I tend to secretly hate people who pronounce it wrong and I don’t want to hate you. You seem nice.

What you should take away from this picture is that I have fantastic taste in glasses and a keen interest in Indian tapestries.

This is me with a milkshake.

This is me as Fantastic Mrs. Fox. Yes for Halloween.

I started this blog in June 2011 after graduating from college with an English Lit degree. At the time, my justification was: “I have things to say about things!” If you’re wondering about the conception of the name, it went something like this: “Hey,” I thought. “People have blogs. I should have a blog!” Ta-da!

This blog isn’t really about anything. It’s sort of about everything and it’s sort of about nothing. It’s sort of like the Seinfeld of blogs, and it’s sort of not. It’s sort of funny (I hope) and it’s sort of…informative?

If you’re thinking “Cut the shit, I need to know what this blog is actually about,” if you’re one of those people who needs to put my blog in a box, then fine. This blog provides analysis of pop-culture– mostly movies and books–with a few humorous anecdotes and philosophical rants thrown in. I figure that life is a joke. We might as well laugh at it.

It’s fun to write it. But, it’s more fun if you read it, too. What’s the most fun is if you comment. And, like it. And, love it. Forever.

If you have a suggestion for a post or want to chat about milkshakes, or Indian tapestries, or Wes Anderson, I’d love to hear from you at my super professional e-mail address: ishouldhaveablog@gmail.com

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